2016 | April | Volume 5
| Issue 2 | Page 1
Vancouver Style
Patra A, Singh M, Kaur H.Variations in the Shape and Dimension of the Suprascapular Notch in Dried Human Scapula-An Osteological Study with its Clinical Implications [Internet].2016 April [Cited December6, 2024];5(2):1-5.Available from:http://www.jcdr.net//back_issues.asp?issn=0973-709x&year=2016&month=April&volume=5&issue=2&page=1&id=2115 doi:10.7860/JCDR/2016/18632/2115
APA Format
Variations in the Shape and Dimension of the Suprascapular Notch in Dried Human Scapula-An Osteological Study with its Clinical Implications,
5(2), 1-5. https://www.doi.org/10.7860/JCDR/2016/18632/2115